Damper blanket for safety.
Fridge stand
Up to 25 hours (high) continuous use.
The perfect chair for adults and children. With 130kg weight capacity
Tree trunk protectors are designed to protect the tree used as an anchor point for your recovery. If you use anything other than a tree trunk protector you risk damaging both...
4,7T Recovery point, Easily fits most tow bar.
Aluminium construction, Black powder coated, Fits most bull bars, Matched to Ironman 4x4 Synthetic Rope
Repairs without tyre removal, Emergency puncture repair, Easy to use, 30 x Self Vulcanising Repair Cords, Alloy "T" Handle Reaming Tool, Alloy "T" Handle...
Setup and folds away in seconds.
Side shooters illuminate dead area providing 140 degrees of light.
Okrúhle prídavné reflektory s priemerom 175 mm. Číre tvrdené sklo. Rozptylové a diaľkové svetlo. 100W, H3, vrátane elektroinštalácie. Cena za pár.
Comfortable, lightweight and easy to carry.